D&C 6:32-37
32 Verily, verily, I say unto you, as I said unto my disciples, where two or three are gathered together in my name, as touching one thing, behold, there will I be in the midst of them—even so am I in the midst of you.
33 Fear not to do good, my sons, for whatsoever ye sow, that shall ye also reap; therefore, if ye sow good ye shall also reap good for your reward.
34 Therefore, fear not, little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail.
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Elder Rickman, Elder Hedman, Elder Guerrero, Elder Ekberg at the Temple |
At the beginning of this week, I found myself asking "Where did our investigators go?" It seemed like everyone had just fallen off the face of the earth.
Spanish is coming along, there were a few lessons this week where I don't know what happened, but I couldn't explain anything very well and it was very hard for me to get through. I'm grateful for a stellar companion who knows how to get me going again, and I really learned this week as I trust in the Lord, even to put words and thoughts into my mind as I speak, all will be ok. We don't have to be perfect speakers, but when we allow our Spirit to testify to their Spirit, miracles happen.
We found this guy Armando on Tuesday. He wanted to talk about shadows and such which was interesting. But he invited us back, 3 times! We have already taught the Restoration, Word of Wisdom and had 2 follow up lessons and.. HE CAME TO CHURCH! GAHH! Tender Mercy from the Lord and he has a baptismal date, we are so excited for him! :)
Our bud, Antonio was no where to be found for a couple weeks, BUT we found him, sat down, taught the Restoration, BOM, and extended a date. We came back for a follow up lesson, he hadn't read. Gahh.. So we started reading, we opened up to 3 Nephi 11 and read the first half of the chapter, we asked him how he felt. His response surprised us. "I LOVE THIS, I JUST FEEL SO GOOD, I want to keep reading!" :) We added our testimonies, closed with prayer and left and as he closed the door, we saw him sit down and open the book again and start to read more! YES! So, we stopped by on Saturday to teach another lesson, he was busy and asked if we could come by tomorrow, we said YEAH! Ohh wait! We have church tomorrow do you want to go?! "YEAH!!! I'll totally be there, I'm free all day!" AND HE CAME!! :) It was so awesome and he loved it. :)
We also have two investigators with dates that we are working with to get answers to their questions. It's all in the small things. Read and Pray. It works!
Also, we have our friend Rafael, who has been an investigator since 2011. He had a date way back then, but since then hasn't accepted one. Most missionaries give up on him, but Rafael has been super open with Elder Guerrero and I! The beginning of this week we had a lesson, which didn't really get us anywhere. We went back on Saturday, watched a little bit of soccer (to build the friendship, of course) and had a very simple lesson with him. At the end, we extended a baptismal invitation. We had prayed earlier that week specifically for him and felt we should. HE ACCEPTED! But the fight is not over, it won't be until that man is in the font and confirmed. He will be an AWESOME member of the church, he is so cool. :)
Hermano Aguliar, the Ward Mission leader. We LOVE him! |
Zone Meeting this week. Talked a lot about sacrament and street contacts. I invite all of you to think for maybe 15 minutes every Sunday about why the sacrament is important to you. Why do we go to church? Also, miracles can happen from a simple street contact. You can change peoples lives in under a minute.
This week was so awesome. I learned so much and we saw the hand of the Lord more than ever before. We taught a ton of stellar lessons and the Spirit is an amazing blessing that we can feel all the time. It's just a matter of what our part is. I love the mission and the people here. :) Thanks for everything! I love you!
The meal that made us SO SICK! |
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Me jumping the railing at church. Be very impressed. |
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